Recorded Course “Healing the Root Chakra” (2018)




fee: $125
Teacher: Ambika Wauters

This is  a four part, webinar that delves into the root issues that influence and affect our lives . The Root Chakra is the repository of unresolved family, tribe or clan issues . These issues center on our perception of survival, threats of perceived or real annihilation and experienced trauma , both generational and past life experiences that  have gone  unresolved. They affect and influence our lives now. 

We carry these unconscious experiences within our energy field and they limit our ability to connect with others, love fully and trust life to bring us what we want and need . They can be perceived as an untreated wound; that , if  not cleansed and purified, will  fester and weaken our immunity, leaving us vulnerable . Their toxins are real and they affect the way we view the world and people in it. As long as they remain unconscious they will foster negativity, division, and anger. 

Each time we attempt to rise above these unresolved issues, they act like a loadstone , pulling us down into darkness until we choose to bring the light of consciousness and self  love  to heal the rifts of separation. That is how we release their hold on us. The inner path of healing is to 1) resolve these issues by making them conscious and 2)purify the Root Chakra through meditation, prayer, forgiveness and blessing ourselves. There are energy techniques we use and essences that balance the field. 

Chakras  are the conduit the life force. They provide us with vitality, immunity, and resiliancy. They fuel the area of the body related to their energetic domaine with energy. They stimulate the appropriate ductless gland that secrete hormones into the blood; as well as  conduct energy, immunity and awareness throughout our being. Our work is to keep the chakras balanced, vital and resiliant.

In studying the seven major chakras we have an opportunity to build a vibrant energy system. Our tools are homeopathic essences ,chakra meditation, visualization of both the color and form of the chakra and the repetition of life affirming affirmations. All these resonate with a sense of self worth and honor who we are. Our work is to create healthy , well functioning chakras strong enough to withstand the impact of trauma, shock and challenges. This is a valuable tool that makes the difference between victimhood and empowerment.

Body, mind, spirit form a unified totality. Working with the chakras helps us understand ourselves better, be more accepting of our limitations and , at the same time, give us the flexibility to transform negative  attitudes that limit our joy.  One definition of healing is to  release what no longer serves our higher purpose and deeper connection to spirit.

This class establishes a foundational context for transforming the unconscious attitudes found in the Root Chakra  that limit psychological development and spiritual growth.  During the class you have the opportunity to expand your Root Chakra and create a strong , viable energy field .  You want a Root Chakra that is strong enough to hold you steady in life and support  your creative endeavors .

Enjoy this four week experience as you expand and heal the Root Chakra. It will  expand your capacity to receive goodness , find blessings in your history and reveal the of  who are at a higher level .

All classes are recorded and the link for viewing them on Google Drive is sent to you. You can download the class into your files at any time and see them at any time you need to review the knowledge and techniques that supports you developing a strong and healthy Root Chakra.

Suggested reading: 3 books by Ambika Wauters; all availible on this website on the “Books” page.
Chakras and Their Archetypes
The Healing Power of Angels
Life Energy Medicine Bible

For inquiry and bookings contact Ambika Wauters or


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