THE CHAKRAS: A Nine Month Journey of Self Discovery




THE CHAKRAS: A Nine Month Journey of Self Discovery

Class starts October 2nd . It meets the first Tuesday of the month, except Jan.1st, ,2019. It will meet January 8th, 2019.
Time: 6-8 Pacific Coast Time
Platform: Zoom.US
All classes recorded and sent to you
Teacher: Ambika Wauters
Fee: $450


This  nine month class is designed to explore your chakra system,. Its intention is  to help  build a resiliant and vibrant energy field. You will learn how to have greater control of your energy , be able to access the issues that block your health, well being and aliveness. The class will help you birth a new and vibrant energy body that can support you in having the life you want .

The class delves deeply into the life issues , rights and ethos of each chakra . It examines the Rights of Empowerment, and the positive and negative archetypes that enhance or diminish the flow of energy in the chakra. It looks at the affinities each chakra has to  homeopathic essences, flower essences, cell salts, and healing nosodes . It explores the color and  sound essences , the holy water and gem elixirs and chakra essences  that work  to open, stabilize and balance your energy field.

 Create a higher level of health and emotional well being from the inside out .  Develop discernment and wisdom in your choices as you are given the gift of greater energy. This class helps you define your boundaries, expand your energy field and learn to clear and heal what has been self limiting and negative. 

All classes teach a chakra meditation,  deep visualization , and use EFT tapping affirmations  to lock in positive energy.  There is an invocation to the guardian archangel of each chakra asking for their healing presence to help transform what is stagnant and congested in our chakras.

You  become adept at measuring the  flow of energy in each chakra. You learn to cleanse the chakra, restore vitality and protect your field. You learn to use  muscle testing and a pendulum to read the flow of energy . You learn to use  the power of color, sound, self reflection, positive affirmations and healing prayer to bring bring your  spirit into alignment with your intentions. You build a strong and resiliant energy field that supports the truth of who you are and helps you fulfill your higher purpose .  We look at the ethos, mythology and soul psychology contained within each chakra and  bring the energy field into balance.

The course runs nine months, meeting the first Tuesday of the month for two hours . It is a live, interactive and  powerful tool for psychological development and spiritual growth. A certificate in Life Energy Medicine ( Chakras) is offered to all who complete the course.

All classes are recorded for all  unable to  be on the call. This recording is available any time on a Google Drive site and the link is sent at the end of class.
I look forward to meeting  you for this deep, healing and loving training. You ll delight in what you learn and feel empowered practicing these techniques that revive, empower and kindle your light.


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