Recorded Course “Chakra Balancing” (2016)


Healing the Chakras with Energy Medicine

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Healing the Chakras with Energy Medicine: A course designed for learning and personal healing. This course offers students a thorough study of the Human Energy System which includes:

~ Tinctures and essences designed to bring healing and balance to the chakras

~ Chakra meditations to energize, heal and stabilize your energy system

~ Consciousness raising exercises to eliminate negativity and residual trauma

~ Comprehensive study of the chakras; their life issues, archetypes, corresponding planets, metals, crystals, food, flower essences, cell salts and homeopathic essences, nosodes, gem elixirs, and color and sound essences

~ Questions to help release historical patterns which block self worth, empowerment and fulfillment

~ Instruction in dowsing the chakras

~ A Chakra massage developed by Ambika to measure the flow of energy in each chakra

~ Information about the Rights of Being of each chakra to help you claim your energy, happiness, and well being

~ Comprehensive information in handouts about each chakra. The work we offer builds inner resiliency, core strength and spiritual grit to balance your energy system, restore vitality, resolve suppressed life issues and move you forward.