These 12 homeopathic remedies assist with digestive issues. They include a essence for “ Sugar Blues”, which comes from eating too much sugar; Intestinal Dysbiosis , more commonly referred to as “ leaky gut syndrome”; diarrhea; constipation, liver and gallbladder function; weak digestion and poor absorption; worms, GERD or “acid reflux”; Homeopathic Color Remedy Yellow and Homeopathic Musical Note E strengthen the Solar Plexus. Gem Elixirs are excellent support for Solar Plexus organs( stomach, small intestine, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen).
Good digestion goes hand in hand with improved self worth, self esteem and confidence in life. These essences work on mind, body & spirit to strengthen physical and emotional digestion. There are 12, 1 dram brown bottles of size 20 pellets.
Price is $180 for pellets,plus shipping, $300 for liquid medicated potency plus shipping. Remedies are $15 each for pellets and $25 for Liquid Medicated Potency with dilutions of water and vinegar or water and Everclear Vodka.
Directions: Remedies can be taken in water by placing two tablets in 8 oz of spring water, stir with metal spoon, sip from spoon. One sip is a single dose. Repeat every half hour during allergic attack. When symptoms stop cease taking the essence.
Alternatively: A single pellet on the tongue , dissolved in the mouth , is a single dose of the essence. Repeat every half hour till symptoms stop then stop taking the essence.
Do not mix essences unless stipulated. Wait an hour between changing essences.
The kit includes the following: TAKE ONE PELLET AFTER EATING.
SUGAR BLUES FORMULA: This formula contains Lycopodium 6x, , Taraxacum 3x, 30c, Cardus Marianus 3x,6x , 30c, Orange 30c, Saccherine Officinalis 6x,30c, Lac Humanum 30c, Orange 6x, 30c, Pink 6x. It helps stop sugar cravings and restores vitality.
INTESTINAL DISBIOSIS(Leaky Gut Syndrome): Papaya 30c, Spilanthes 30c, Gem Elixir for the Solar Plexus, Note E , Yellow 6x, 12c.
DIARRHEA : Aconite 6x, 30c, Arsenicum Alb 30c, Aloe 30c, Ipacac 12x, veratrum Alb 6x. Indigo 30c, note A.
CONSTIPATION: Arsenicum Alb30c, Bryonia 30c, Collinsonia 3x, Lac Defloratum 6c, Lycopodium 6x, Nat Mur 6x, 30c ,Nux Vomica 200c, Orange 30c, Note D. Take upon awaking in the morning.
LIVER TONIFIER: Aloe 30c, Bryonia 30c, China 3x,Nux Vomica 12c, 30c, Cardus Marianus 30c, Chelidonium 12x, Taraxacum 30c, Okubacu 3x, Yellow 30c, Note E, Gem Elixir for Solar Plexus Chakra.
WEAK DIGESTION/ POOR ASSIMILATION SUPPORT: Silica 30c, 200 c,Lycopodium 6x, 30c China Off. 6x, 12c, 30c, Okubacu 3x, Yellow 6x, Note E 6x, Gem Elixir for the Solar Plexus.
WORMS & PARASITES: Oxalic Acid 12x, Nat. Carb 12x, Phosphoric Acid 12x, Cucubrito Pepe 200c, Yellow 30c, Note E, Gem Elixir for the Solar Plexus Chakra.
GURD/ACID REFLUX: Arsenicum 6x, 30c, Natrum Bicarbonicum 6c, Hydrogen Peroxide 6c, Yellow 6x, Note E, Gem Elixir for the Solar Plexus Chakra.
OVER INDULGING ( FOOD &DRINK): Bryonia 6x, 30c, Nux Vomica 200c, Arsenicum Alb 30c, Okubacu 3x, Syzgium 3x, 30c, Yellow 6x, Note E, Gem Elixir for the Solar Plexus Formula.
WHEAT: For wheat and gluten allergies.
HISTAMINE: Anti-Inflammatory related to acid foods.
OLIVE AND YELLOW: Tonifies Solar Plexus and Digestive track.
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