


This class, taught by Ambika Wauters,who originally developed the homeopathic color and sound remedies, is an in depth study of the homeopathic color and sound remedies in relation to the chakras of the human energy system. It looks at the remedy relationship to the physical organs and to the systemic conditions that respond well to healing with color and sound. It covers emotional and spiritual life issues and the mental health attitudes of each chakra.
There are ten classes in this course, taught monthly, beginning in January , 2021 and completed in December, 2021. ( we take two months off for summer holiday) . The introduction discusses homeopathy in relationship to the human energy system and what the chakras are and how they function. What follows is a class on each of the chakras explaining how the color and sound remedies work. Included in the classes are meditations to expand the field, exercises to delve into the content of your personal chakras. There is an energy assessment offered with each chakra, along with affirmations, meditations, prayers and angelic affiliations. The intention is to learn to use the chakra remedies and balance your energy system.
The class is pre-recorded and sent to all participants.

A  Journey of Self Discovery with Ambika Wauters

Ambika teaches a full, in depth study of each chakra . The classes are live and recorded . They are sent to participants along with a written handout. Each class covers a full  discussion on one chakra; ;it looks at its function and offers information about its affinities to the homeopath color and sound remedies, homeopathic and herbal plant remedies , potentized crystal remedies , a full examination of the life issues and spiritual dimensions affecting each chakra. It covers the angels and archangels, gods and goddesses in mythology that correspond to each chakra. It also discusses the mental attitudes and emotions of  each chakra as well as symptoms of imbalance , energy blocks, ad stagnation . It covers organ affinities as well as spiritual dimensions of the chakra. Each chakra provides a template for growth and healing that can help us expand our capacity to live well and be happy.  

There is a handout included with each class that includes the affirmations, meditation, flower essences , color , sound, gemstone, holy water and archangel essences for each chakra.There is an energy evaluation to measure the health and resiliency of each chakra. A list of questions accompanies each class as homework for evaluating the state of your chakra.  

The class meets the last Thursday of each month, for two hours, from January to July , then from October to December.

Fee: $600