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12 Remedies for Allergy Relief:
Cost: $185 in pellets , Liquid Medicated Potency is $225  plus shipping.  Choose either vinegar and water or Everclear Vodka for the liquid.

Wholesale is six kits or more of any combination of kits.


This kit is designed to provide quick , effective relief from the various symptoms of allergies. These essences build a strong immune response against allergens. They deal with acute symptoms and provide on going relief during seasonal disturbances.

These are the homeopathic remedies in the kit: 

For Acute Attacks: TAKE EMERALD 6x & ACONITE30c

Aconite 30c: Symptoms are: Head full, heavy , pulsating, hot , bursting, burning, vertigo. Overly sensitive to noise, pain at root of nose. Face hot, flushed, swollen. Throat constricted, red, dry, numb. Sudden onset of all symptoms. Can bring immediate relief if taken as soon as symptoms occur.

Allum Cepa 30c: Symptoms are :running nose, acrid nasal discharge, eyes red and watery, better in open air, worse in closed room. Burning in nose, mouth,throat, bladder, skin. Frontal headache.

Apis Mel 30c: Symptoms are: Swelling of serous membranes, joints ache, itchy skin. Good for bee sting, food intolerance , periodic and seasonal allergies.

Arsenicum Alb 30c: Symptoms are: Debility, weakness, restlessness, fear, cold sweats, diarrhea, headaches, vomiting. Headache relieved by cold applications, nose has thin, watery discharge. Face swollen, yellow , cold and covered with sweat. Skin itches and burns. Disturbed sleep. A essence for food allergies and food poisoning.

Chelidonium 6c: Symptoms are: Liver and gallbladder remedy  good for seasonal affected disorders, changes in weather. Skin has yellowish tinge, tongue also. Bitter taste in mouth, nausea, vomiting. Skin dry and itchy. Rheumatic pains in hips and thighs, feels paralyzed. Exhaustive cough, constriction of chest. Feels will never get better. Can be repeated every half hour till symptoms disappear , then stop taking essence.

Emerald 6x: FOR ACUTE ATTACKS . HELPS TO: Relax the nervous system, GOOD FOR : food poisoning, plant and animal allergies, returns the spark of life. Opens throat center , good for oppressed and difficult breathing.

Histamine 6c: Symptoms are: Dryness of mucous membranes, constriction in different parts of the heart, quivering and cramping in muscles. Irritable, susceptible, impatient. Headache and vertigo. Loss of sense of taste. Burning in stomach , joints and muscles. Skin itches, insomnia until 2am, chilled and shivering, feeling of lack of air , chest constricted. Good for asthma, vertigo, all allergies.

Immune Building Formula: Builds immunity to protect against allergy attacks. Contains the following homeopathic dilutions of : L-Arginine, L- Aspartic Acid,L- Carnosine, Mixed amino acids, Vit. D3, Vit. K, Vit B complex, Sound Remedy Notes: : D , E, Color Essence :Orange, Yellow, Sulfa 6x, Okubacu 3x, Calendula 6x, Arnica 30c, Hydrastis 6x, Berberis 6x, Taraxacum 6x, Sambuca 6x, Myrrh 6x, Nat Phos 6x, Kali Sulph 6x, Diospera kaki 30c, Lentunula 30c, Salmon 30c, Oleum Jec 12x, Okubacu 3x :
For all forms of allergies, even those that seem impossible to cure. Where other essences fail to act this speeds up amelioration of all allergy symptoms. Also for problems caused by chemically treated or GMO food.

Okubacu 3x : Helps strengthen the digestive organs; a primary immune remedy , for allergies and their consequences.

Wheat 30c: Give with Okubacu for all food allergies related to ingestion of contaminated and GMO wheat.

Sound EssenceNote D 6x: Strengths Sacral Chakra, center of gut related intolerance and assault to the digestive system.

Color Essence Yellow 30c: To strengthen energy center of Solar Plexus and fortify organs of digestion affected by allergies.

Directions: Remedy  can be taken in water by placing two tablets in 8 oz of spring water, stir with metal spoon, sip from spoon. One sip is a single dose. Repeat every half hour during allergic attack. When symptoms stop cease taking the essence.

Alternatively: A single pellet on the tongue , dissolved in the mouth , is a single dose of the essence. Repeat every half hour till symptoms stop then stop taking the essence.

Do not mix essences unless stipulated. Wait an hour between changing essences.

Additional information


Kit (of all 12), Aconite 30c, Allum Cepa 30c, Apis Mel 30c, Arsenicum Alb 30c, Chelidonium 6c, Emerald 6x, Histamine 6c, Immune Building Formula, Okubacu 3x, Wheat 30c, Sound Remedy Note D 6x, Color Remedy Yellow 30c


Pellets, Liquid Medicated Potency (diluted in water and vinegar), Liquid Medicated Potency (diluted in water and Everclear vodka)


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